Monday, January 31, 2011
Labels: 365, retro camera, thoughts
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Labels: 365, Crafts, holiday happenings
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Labels: 365, holiday happenings
Friday, January 28, 2011
Pizza Bagel hit a home run! Itsy bitsy pepperoni...too cute. The peanut butter banana triangle sandwich is so BLAH! I'm allowed a BLAH sandwich once a month...Happy Packing!
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
I have this one friend who is thrifty like me. Meaning we like estate sales and thrift stores. We never really know what we'll find as we drive around the usual neighborhoods. It keeps us busy for a couple of hours and provides some therapy of sorts... Bottom line...We have fun and are entertained by all the characters we encounter. Look at what I scored....
One red ethic table cloth (pretty kitschy)...Three old suitcases...
And one more tea diffuser to add to my collection...
Labels: 365, collection, retro camera, thrift score, vintage yummy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
It's almost February...
Funny...we have lived in our home for 9 years and our fireplace has never been used. Really? Really... there isn't too much of a need in Southern California for a roaring fire. But I will admit a crackling fire sure looks and sounds pretty.

Now, the fireplace mantle on the other hand... It sure gets all the attention. It is my inspiration for seasonal decorations. H made me a candy striped "LOVE" sign with left over pipe cleaners from C's science project...he had to create a 3D "D.N.A" structure.

One of these days I'll make the time to install gas logs. So then the fireplace won't be so jealous of it's mantle.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
some vintage goodness
I pulled these Dallas Ware cafeteria trays from the kitchen cabinet. Some of you out there might call them a thrift "score" find. I was lucky enough to get them from Big Nana. She was quite the collector of daffodil yellow kitchenware. Very thrifty chic...dontcha think? I'll share more of her vintage goodness as time goes on... stay tuned.
Labels: 365, collection, vintage yummy
Sunday, January 23, 2011
free time + cake mix =
We had a bit of extra time today... H has a serious sweet tooth and loves to be in the kitchen. We found the recipe here... so we pulled out with the Kitchen Aid... and baked some pretty tasty Cupcake Poppers!This was fun...using Neon food coloring really brought in the Easter Egg coloring mood. H was so excited to mix the colors until they turned the right shade of rainbow.
We will tell you that this did take quite a bit of time. An hour and a half to be exact. Since we only have one itty bitty cupcake tin and 5 different colors of batter...there was a lot of transfers from the oven to the cooling rack. If you have a free afternoon and a sweet tooth to satisfy...this is a super fun way to spend your time with your wee peep!
Labels: 365, cupcake, Family Fun
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
cutting it loose...
... to get inspired.
I'm really going to admit and now. I've realized I'm much more productive and creative when my plate is full...if I have a million things to do and I'm running around like a tornado trying to get it all done. When there is a game on one side of town and a practice on the other side. If I have all my lists written and my calendar filled, when I make commitments here and appointments there. When I vow to make it from scratch instead of taking the short cut. When I read all the instructions instead of just looking at the picture. When I volunteer for a new project or take on a special interest. When I insist on homemade even if it takes twice as long. I'm really much more productive and creative when my plate full.'s a crazy life but I really don't want it any other way. Honestly, I don't think I could stand it any other way...Well, thank you for listening and thank you for letting me share.
Over and Out...
Labels: 365
Thursday, January 20, 2011
lunch box update...
Sunny's the box update. Some stars for my super star! Oh yes...mug-shot too.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
bring on the ♥s and glitter...
Had a bit of time to play & create last night. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I collect...
Shortly after I was married I discovered McCoy pottery, mainly due to the name sake. I have a small collection that is scattered around the house. I've received pieces as gifts, picked some up at estate sales and searched them out on e-bay.
Most are re purposed to hold thingies (like this pot)... or display thingies (like this planter)...
some are quite useful (like my smiley face mug)...
some just sit pretty in the hutch (like the pink baby booties)...
Labels: 365, collection, mccoy, mug-shot, retro camera, vintage yummy
Friday, January 14, 2011
I learned how to crochet from Miss Meecham (dd 1st grade teacher) quite a bit ago. Then I crocheted for a church project...I crocheted hats that were then donated with in the community. It was fun and a super way to give back. Since then I've learned how to crochet more patterns. Right now I'm working on blankets...this will be project blanket number 5. Thank you Alyssa for showing me the blanket way. Stay tuned for completed project pix....

Thursday, January 13, 2011
box update...
Some of you have asked to take a peek at one of my kitchen drawers. Here you go...this is the lunch box drawer. All the little containers, picks, holders and stuff.Friday's lunch box... it's a little heavy on the treats, but we're celebrating the girl who was "Super Kid"!
Just can't seem to get enough of this retro camera app. She's tutu cute with a polk-dot backpack.
Labels: 365, mug-shot, retro camera
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Please be patient with me...I know you don't really want to see the exact same photo, but they are the exact same photo taken by 5 different vintage cameras. Cool effects and uber neat-O you can upload them directly to any blogger, flicker, twitter, facebook, etc.