- Hannah's toothless smile.
- Watching Cody pitch on the mound.
- Starbuck Grande Chai Latte with Non-Fat Milk in the cup with Vintage Logo
- Dave's morning kisses.
- My homemade Redvelevet Cupcakes.
- Spa Pedicures
- Taco Tuesday
- Orbit Sugarfree gum in the Pink & Green Package.
- My LG Chocolate
- My new alarm clock...the Meadowlark singing from the balcony.

Hi, I wanted to take your class tomorrow night at IAT but I didn't get signed up today and when I tried they had already closed. Is it too late to call tomorrow and sign up? Do you have an extra kit if I do come?? I would love to take the class...let me know. I will check back to see if you respond to this comment sometime tomorrow:)
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