Last weekend...H and I competed in our own cupcake wars. She challenged me to a duel of flavors after watching a DVR'ed recording of DC cupcakes. An episode where the sisters did a cupcake bake-off. As we sat on the couch and the credits were rolling on the screen, H turned to me and said, "I can make a better cupcake than you." My eyes widened and I replied, "Hah !" So the baking began in the McCoy kitchen.
H chose a chocolate caramel flavor with a marshmallow cream topping. She was sly and melted some caramel, cored the center of the cupcake and poured the gooey liquid into the cups.

Such great fun and joy to play with H and get the neighborhood involved.
OMG - you guys are so cute. I can't wait for Gabi to be old enough and challenge me to some kind of baking war and then I'll beat her.
hahahahahahaha j/k!
I would gladly serve as your judge anytime!
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